Home 1900 1900 Annual

1900 Annual

Gambling At Barmborough.

July 1900
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 27 July 1900 Gambling At Barmborough. John Atkins, bricklayer. Thomas Taylor, Charles or William Taylor, pit hands, James Bucknall,...

Goldthorpe Dog Case.

July 1900
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 27 July 1900 Goldthorpe Dog Case. George Horne, miner, Goldthorpe, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license. Police-constable...

Goldthorpe Gamesters

July 1900
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 27 July 1900 Goldthorpe Gamesters Albert Syles, John Eddes, William Fudge. Martin Garraghty, William Jordan. Henry Taylor. Charles Sharpe, Rufus...

Some Goldthorpe Drunks

July 1900
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 27 July 1900 Some Goldthorpe Drunks Wilma Glenn and John Martin, miners, Goldthorpe, were summoned for having been drunk and...

Obscene Language at Goldthorpe

November 1900
Mexborough and Swinton Times Friday, 30 November 1900 Obscene Language at Goldthorpe Michael Kilmartin, miner, of Goldthorpe, was summoned by the police for having used obscene...

The Beer Victims.

November 1900
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 30 November 1900 The Beer Victims. Thomas Burdin, miner, of Barmboro’, was summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at...