Home World War Two Injured and Missing Soldiers – Jackson Brothers – Wounded Severely, Missing, In France

Soldiers – Jackson Brothers – Wounded Severely, Missing, In France

December 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 8, 1917

Goldthorpe Brothers

Pte. Albert Jackson (K.O.Y.L.I.), aged 23, joined the Colours in January, 1915, and was wounded at Ypres the following Whit-Monday, being invalided to Norwich.

He returned to France in December, 1915, was again wounded on March 9, 1917, recovered in France, and returned to the trenches until July, When he came home on leave. Seven weeks later he was again wounded in both arms (right hand and arm severely), and also lost his right eye.

He is now in Horton War Hospital, Epsom„ where he is making satisfactory progress.

Before enlisting he worked at Hickleton Main.

Pte. Firth Jackson (Y. and L.), aged 21, went to France in May, 1916, and took part in many fierce engagements on the Somme, and has been missing since April 21-28. Any information about him will be gratefully welcomed by his parents at 61, High street, Goldthorpe.

Before enlistment he worked at Hickleton Main.

Able-Seaman Arthur Jackson joined the Royal Naval Division last August, and is now in France.

Previous to enlistment he worked at Goldthorpe Colliery.