Home People Accidents Motor Accident – Councillor in Hospital

Motor Accident – Councillor in Hospital

May 1927

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 6, 1927

Motor Accident

Now we know the full story of the motor accident last week, which Councillor and Mrs Fowler were involved, we realise that serious though their injuries are the marvel is they were not killed outright.

Mr Fowler was spending a brief holiday in company with is wife and her sister, Mrs Anderson, of Wakefield. He was motoring in Scotland for the first time, spent the first night in Belford, Northumberland.

About 12.30 the next day they were within 10 miles of Edinburgh, and were approaching Tranent, adjoining which are the battlefields of Pinky and Prestonpans.

A little used branch railway crosses the road, yet there are no gates are any sign to warn approaching motorist. As Mr Fowler was about to pass the level crossing and engine was coming, along with four wagons, the wagons being first and a man riding in the foremost.

To a motorist travelling in the direction Mr Fowler was going it is difficult to see anything approaching on the railway, and when he saw the danger it was too late to avoid the crash, despite the fact that the man riding in the wagon shouted frantically.

The car, which is a new Morris saloon, was carried several yards and then crushed between the wagons and a huge post. The body of the car was torn off completely, and the whole of the chassis and framework right nearly beyond recognition. Mrs Anderson was thrown clear, Mrs Fowler and Coun Fowler received severe injuries, Mr Fowler being entangled in the wreckage.

Help was forthcoming from some cottages, but there was difficulty in obtaining an ambulance, as only one in the locality was kept at a colliery, they will not allow its use except by the workmen. In consequence Mr Fowler had to lie on the roadside over an hour, the weather at the time being very cold.

At length they were moved to the Edinburgh Royal infirmary, where it was found that Mr Fowler had sustained a fracture of the side, also injuries to head and feet. It will be many weeks before he will be able to return home.

Mrs Fowler has a number of minor injuries and has now been brought home, but is confined to bed.