Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – February 19th, 1932

Marconigrams – February 19th, 1932

February 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 February 1932


Sunday play has been adopted by the Wath Golf Club.

The old Wesleyan Reform Chapel at Wath on Dearne is for sale.

The Bank Rate was yesterday reduced from 6 per cent, to 5 per cent.

The consumption of water went down in the Dearne Valley a gallon a head last year.

The Goldthorpe Operatic Society’s production of “The Gondoliers” is postponed to April 4th.

TheWestRiding county minor scholarship examination will be held to-morrow (Saturday).

More sixteenth century coins have been discovered at Darfield during road improvement work this week.

A spider somehow got into a London addressed to a Darfield man and arrived at the end of the I80 mile trip very lively!

The “Gift Day” at the Kilnhurst Parish Church on Sunday seat will be the first of the year in support of the Bishop’s Fund.

The West Riding County Council is pledged to keep the county rate down to nine shillings for the next financial year.

“It is finer to have a backache from digging than headache from drinking.”— The Mayor of Doncaster (to allotment holders).

“That was a near thing remarked a local councillor when the Clerk announced that the elections would take place on April 2nd.

Mother (at Barnsley Police Court on Wednesday): I believe my son.
Clerk: Mothers always do. My mother believed me.

A war memorial committal is to be formed at Goldthorpe to choose a memorial. The former committee failed to agree and disbanded some years ago.