Sheffield Independent – Thursday 26 August 1937
Kitchen Study
Goldthorpe Brothers at London University
Two young Goldthorpe brothers, whose study has been the kitchen of their colliery village home, have both entered London University within two years.
Theirs is a story of earnest endeavour made possible by the sacrifices their parents over a number of years.
The two boys are Ambrose Horner and William A. Homer sons Mr. and Mrs W. Horner, of Barnboro’ lane. Goldlborpe. Mr. Horner was formerly employed for years as fitter at the Barnhoro’ Main Colliery, and is now at the Sheffield steel works of Metro Vickers.
First William and then Ambrose won county minor scholarships to Grammar School. Both boys then gained the Higher School certificate and matriculated., and two years ago William was awarded a county major scholarship entitling him to enter London University.
It was revealed yesterday that Ambrose had again followed his brother’s lead and had obtained a similar scholarship, tenable at Loudon University