Home Industry and Commerce Industrial Deaths Goldthorpe Miner’s Death – A Year-Old Accident Injury

Goldthorpe Miner’s Death – A Year-Old Accident Injury

August 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 9, 1929

Goldthorpe Miner’s Death

A Year-Old Accident Injury

A verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned by the Doncaster District Coroner at an inquest on Tuesday at the Horse and Groom Hotel, Goldthorpe, into the death, which occurred last Thursday, of Isaiah Cadman (30), miner, 36, Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe.

Evidence by Harold Fellows, miner, of Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe, was to the effect that Cadman and Fellows were working in the Armthorpe Colliery about 12 months ago, on the afternoon shift, removing a fall of dirt. They had filled a tub, and Cadman was standing under the edge of an iron girder when some stones fell from over the girder. Cadman was struck on the head, causing a scalp wound and grazing his knee.

He was taken home, and since then had been attended by Dr. Adams, of Goldthorpe.