Home 1918 May 1918

May 1918

Pony Driver Killed by 5 Tons of Roof

May 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 07 May 1918 Pony Driver Killed by 5 Tons of Roof A verdict of " Accidental death " was returned 'at...

“Stink Bomb” Charge

May 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Thursday 23 May 1918 "Stink Bomb" Charge A fifteen-year-old boy from Goldthorpe was, at Doncaster yesterday, charged with committing wilful damage, it...

Soldier – Hartley, John Arthur – Wounded in Action

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 11th, 1918 Gunner John Arthur James Hartley Royal Field Artillery Gunner Hartley, youngest son of the Reverend Mr and Mrs W Hartly,...

Soldier – Huntingdon, Clifford – Wounded Third Time

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 4th, 1918 Pte. Clifford Huntington (Y. and L.), son of Mr. and Mrs. John Huntington, 52, Doncaster road, Goldthorpe, has,...

Soldier – Norman, Ralph – Reported Missing

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 11th, 1918 Private Ralph (Jack) Norman Royal Welsh Fusiliers   Private Norman, 9 Colliery cottages Barnburgh, is officially reported missing. He was a...

Soldier – Orgill, George – Wounded In Hospital

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 25th, 1918 Private George Orgill K.O.Y.L.I. Private Orgill of 7, Gosling-gate-Road, Goldthorpe, was wounded on April 24, and is now in...

Soldier – Petty J.– Missing

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 11th, 1918 Corporal J Petty Goldthorpe – Missing                        

Soldier – Saxby, Morris – Wounded In Hospital

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 11th, 1918 Pte. Horace Saxby York and Lancaster Private Saxby 70 Doncaster Road, Goldthorpe: has been wounded and is in hospital...

Soldiers – Whelpdale Brothers – P.O.W. and in Africa

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 4th, 1918 Barnburgh Brothers.       Pte. A. E -Whelpdale (Leicester Regt.)( picture, right). 10, Green-lane, Barnburgh, who had not been heard...

Soldier – Crawshaw L.– Killed in Action

May 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 25th, 1918 Pte. L. Crawshaw York and Lancaster Private Crawshaw of 41, Kelly Street, Goldthorpe, aged 29, has been killed in...