Food Stall Gutted – Disastrous Fire at Goldthorpe

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 10 February 1940

Food Stall Gutted

Disastrous Fire at Goldthorpe

A View of the Gutted Shop

Considerable supplies of food were destroyed and a grocery shop and storeroom were gutted when a fierce fire broke out in Messrs. Melia’s premises in Doncaster Road. Goldthorpe, early on Monday morning The damage is estimated at £2,000.

While on his beat in Doncaster Road at 2 a.m., P.c. Gruber heard the sound of breaking glass. While he was investigating the cause, tongues of flame came out of the store room window over the shop. The heat had cracked the panes and the inrush of air fanned the blaze to the roof, along which it spread quickly

The officer summoned the Goldthorpe Auxiliary Fire Service, but the car and trailer became held up by the bad road conditions a few yards away from the Station. The Thurnscoe Brigade were then called and arrived within half-an-hour of the discovery of the outbreak. The firemen worked under great difficulties and hydrants were located wit difficulty. Eventually two hoses were brought to bear, and the Brigade concentrated on preventing the flames from spreading along the roof to neighbouring shops.

Mr. Thomas Rogers, a fancy goods dealer, of 6, Doncaster Road, was roused, and he removed valuable articles from his premises. The neighbouring shops of a hairdresser and a confectioner were also in danger for a time, but the firemen got the flames under control. They could not prevent, however, the complete destruction of the grocery shop and store, only the walls of which were left standing when the fire had spent itself.

Mr. Fred Hawksworth, Food Controller for the Dearne district, told the “Times” that the destruction of rationed goods would not mean that customers registered at the shop would go without. There were adequate reserves on which the firm could draw to the extent of the need.

We understand that Messrs. Melia’s are arranging to continue their business other premises.