South Yorkshire Times – Friday 25 November 1932
Miss Margaret Sheila Jenkinson, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Jenkinson, 30, Market Square, Goldthorpe, was married at the Sacred Heart Church, Goldthorpe, on Saturday by Fr. Waugh, to Mr. Leo Burke, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burke, Halifax.
She was given away by her brother, Mr. Herbert Jenkinson, and attended by Misses Doris and Gladys Jenkinson and four little maids, Grace Crimper, Joyce Rawson, and Miriam Edwards. The bridal dress was of lace and satin, with coatee, and she wore a spray of pearls and a pearl necklet. The elder maids wore green and blue respectively, and the children also were dressed in green and blue. The bouquets were of white and yellow chrysanthemums.
Mr. Peter Burke was best man and Mr. Donald Hughes (Halifax) groomsman.