Home People Weddings Wedding – Farrington & Roberts

Wedding – Farrington & Roberts

September 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 1, 1939

A former member of the Mexborough Green Room Club, who met his future wife when he was a patient at Mexborough Montagu Hospital as a result of a colliery accident, was married at Lincoln on Saturday, his bride’s birthday. The bridegroom was Mr. Arthur Roberts, an overman at Barnburgh No. 5 pit, son of Mr. William Roberts, of Barnburgh, who was employed for 45 years at Manvers Main and who retired some time ago from the position of overman. Mr. Arthur Roberts has achieved a rare measure of popularity and received numerous gifts from all sections of men at the pit.

The bride was Miss Dorothy Mavis Farrington, who had been at the Montagu Hospital for two and a half years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Farrington, of 150, West Parade, Lincoln, and Saturday’s ceremony took place at St. Faith’s Church, Lincoln, and was conducted by the Vicar.

The bride was given away by her father and was attired in a picture dress of white taffeta, with a little cap of orange blossom and figured veil. Her bouquet was of pink and white carnations.

Nurse Norah Barlow, also of the Mexborough Montagu Hospital, was her sole bridesmaid and she was dressed in blue net over taffeta, with a halo of blue leaves and a veil. She carried pink carnations. Mr. Marshall Robson, an overman at Barnburgh, was best man and a reception was held at a cafe in Lincoln. The honeymoon is being spent on the East Coast and at Wellingborough, the bride travelling in a navy blue and white two-piece costume suit. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are to live at Barnburgh.