Home People Weddings Wedding – Brown & Large

Wedding – Brown & Large

August 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times, August 30, 1929

A pretty wedding, which attracted great interest was solemnised at Goldthorpe Parish Church on Wednesday afternoon, the parties being Miss Jemima Ann Brown, only daughter of Mr. and’ Mrs. A. Brown,-newsagents and photographers, Goldthorpe, and Mr. James Stanley Large eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Large Rosliston House, Goldthorpe. Both bride and bridegroom are well known especially in musical circles, in the district, the bridegroom being choirmaster at Goldthorpe Parish Church, secretary of Goldthorpe Musical Festival, and a member of the Church Players.

He is employed on the staff at Manvers Main Collieries. There was a large attendances of friends and relatives at the church, where the officiating minister was the Rev. Ernest D. Bowtle

Mr. S. Ward Casey, Mus. Bac.(uncle of the bride), presided at the organ, and played the “Bridal March” from “Lohengrin” (Wagner) and Mendelssohn’e “Wedding March.” The hymns sung were “O perfect love” and “Praise my soul.”

The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of white shadow lace over crepe-de-Chene, with circular veil edged with lace and held in place by a wreath of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of red roses,