Home Places Streets and Communities Tailpiece – July 28th, 1951 – Admirals & Hay

Tailpiece – July 28th, 1951 – Admirals & Hay

July 1951

South Yorkshire Times, July 28th, 1951


“Now, my boy” said the kindly old admiral to the nervous cadet who was being put through his viva voce; “just a few questions on general knowledge and I think you’ll do. What animals eat hay?”

The lad blushed and stammered. “Why, sir”, he said “I hardly think I……that is to say……. I’m afraid I don’t know.”

“What!” said the astonished inquisitor; “you don’t know what animals eat hay?”

“Oh, sir,” said the lad, immensely relieved, “I beg your pardon, I thought you said admirals.”