Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 27 July 1900
Some Goldthorpe Drunks
Wilma Glenn and John Martin, miners, Goldthorpe, were summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at that place on the 9th inst.
Police sergeant Johnson said he saw the defendants in Barnsley Road. They were very drunk and used very bad language, and took off their coats and shirts and wanted to fight.
They caused a crowd to assemble.
Corroborative evidence was given by Police-constable Sowray, and the defendants were each fined 5/- and the costs.
Richard McGraff, miner, Goldthorpe, was summoned fur having been drunk end disorderly at Goldthorpe on the same date.
Police Sergeant Johnson said the offence was committed on Doncaster road. The defendant had his coat off and wanted to fight, and he was very drunk
The defendant, who did not appear, was fined 5/- and the costs.
Maggie Hepworth, married woman, Thomson, was summoned far having been drunk and disorderly at Goldthorpe on the 9th inst.
Police-constable Sowray said the woman was very drunk and wanted to fight. When he spoke to her she used the most disgusting language.
The defendant was fined 5/- and the costs
A charge of having been drunk and disorderly at Goldthorpe on the 9th inst. was preferred against Isaiah Williams, a miner of that place.
Police-constable Sowray stated that the offence was committed at 8-30 pm. The defendant was very drunk and used bad language.
Police-Johnson having corroborated, the defendant, who did not appear and was fined 5/- and the costs.