Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldiers – Massey Brothers – Goldthorpe Brothers in Khaki

Soldiers – Massey Brothers – Goldthorpe Brothers in Khaki

December 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 12 December 1942

Goldthorpe Brothers in Khaki

Three brothers, sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Massey, of 18, Frederick Street, Goldthorpe, are serving in Forces. Herbert is married and lives at 21, Hope Avenue, Goldthorpe. He was called up in March of this year and is a private in the R.A.S.C. Transport, and is stationed in Scotland. Before joining up be worked at the by-product plant at Manvers Main and was a corporal In the Home Guard.

Royden was called up in August, 1940, and is a private in the York and Lancs. Regiment, serving In India. Before joining up he worked on the screens at Barnburgh Main.

Roy also was in the Home Guard. Harold enlisted in July, 1938, and went to France when war broke out, coming safely through the Dunkirk evacuation.

He is a sergeant In the Section. at present stationed in England. He worked at a Goldthorpe store. All three brothers were keen cyclists and were members of the Goldthorpe Clarion Club.