South Yorkshire Times, January 8, 1944
Many Battles
A Goldthorpe boy who is now in one of H.M. cruisers is Alan Beardsley (20), son of Mr. Richard Beardsley and the late Mrs. Beardsley, of 91, Frederick Street.
He has been in the Navy for five years and has served one year aboard his present ship, which participated in the recent successful attack on the German battleship “Scharnhorst”. Alan has been in many major actions including the attack on the Italian fleet off Cape Spartivento and the recent raid on Narvik. He first served in H.M.S. Manchester, then in the aircraft carrier Indomitable.
Among the places he has visited are Jamaica, Cape Town, Aden, Port Sudan, Diego Suarez, Gibraltar, Crete, Alexandria, Philadelphia, Norway, Iceland and Malta.
Before joining up he worked at Barnburgh Main Colliery. He went to Goldthorpe Senior School.