Home People Residents Royal Humane Society Arard

Royal Humane Society Arard

November 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 4 November 1939

We publish this week the photograph of a Goldthorpe youth whose promptness and courage have won for him the recognition of the Royal Humane Society and the sincere tributes of Mexborough Urban Council.

He is Jack Tindall, of 27, Lindale Gardens, who in April rescued a fourteen-year-old boy and another would- be rescuer.

Austin Searle, Victoria Road, Mexborough, was swimming in the Dearne at Harlington and felt himself sinking at a point where the water reaches a depth of twelve feet. He shouted for help and George William Haigh, formerly of Mexborough, dived in to his assistance. The boy struggled and Haigh soon found he could not easily make the bank.

At this point Tindall came on the scene and promptly dived in fully clothed. From boyhood he had swum in the Dearne at this spot and he knew the danger in which the pair were. Searle dragged Tindall under water, but after a struggle the bank was reached, and the rescuer then returned and assisted Haigh to the bank.

When presenting Tindall with a Royal Humane Society parchment. Coun. G. S. Morley, chairman of Mexborough Urban Council, described him as a brave lad and said the councillors deeply appreciated his gallantry.

Tindall, who is 19 and works underground at Barnburgh Main, is very proud to have been awarded the parchment, but he makes light of what he did.