Home Industry and Commerce Mining Retirement of Mr J. Bell – New Agent & Manager

Retirement of Mr J. Bell – New Agent & Manager

June 1944

South Yorkshire Times, June 10th, 1944

Retirement of Mr J. Bell

Mr. J. Bell is retiring from his position as Agent of Manvers Main Collieries Ltd., after 32 years’ service with the Company on July 1st and is to be succeeded by Mr. G. C. Payne who is at present Manager of Barnburgh Main Colliery.

Captain E. T. John who has been released from the Army is to take Mr. Payne’s place as Manager at Barnburgh.

Mr. Bell has given valuable service to the company over a long period.  During his term of management, he has supervised many important developments and has played an important part in the progressive policy which has marked the company’s activities during the last few years.