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Postponing Wedding

March 1951

South Yorkshire Times,  March 3rd, 1951

Estyn Crew & Veronica Hagan – “Stars” of Dearne Amateur Operatic Society’s production this month of “Good-Night Vienna.”

Postponing Wedding

Estyn Crew who will take the male “lead” in Dearne District Operatic and Dramatic Society’s annual production — this year “Good Night Vienna”—in the Welfare Hall Goldthorpe, had originally planned to be married on March 10th, but as this will be the first night of the show he and his bride Miss Vera Jones (Harworth), have decided to postpone their wedding for a week or two.

This gracious gesture has touched the Dearne society officials and members—deeply, and Estyn is sure to receive a rapturous reception from patrons throughout the show.