Mexborough and Swinton Times November 18, 1911
Poaching at Bolton
Harry Cocksedge, miner, of Mexborough; Samuel Bailey, miner, Mexborough; Jesse Hart, labourer, Mexborough; Edward Beaumont, miner, of Mexborough; and William Lidster, labourer of Mexborough, were summoned under the Poaching Prevention Act.
PC Bolton said that on 12 November, he, along with Inspector Fairburn, and Sergeant Ramsey, were on duty on the highway in the parish of Melton at 4 a.m.. They saw the five defendants carrying bags. Witness became suspicious of them. He examined the bags, and found a number of rabbits, quantity of netting and pegs.
After brief deliberation, the Chairman announced penalties as follows:
Cocksedge 40/– and 5/– costs or 21 days
Bailey, £1 or one month
Hart 40/–
Beaumont 40/– and 9/– costs
Lidster 40/– and 9/– costs
At the Fair
Pat Coyne, miner, of Bolton, for being drunk and disorderly in November 11 at Goldthorpe, was fined 5/– and costs.
Evidence was to the effect that defendant was creating a disturbance in the Goldthorpe fairground.
In Custody
John Davis appeared in custody on a charge of being drunk and disorderly at Mexborough. He pleaded guilty.
A fine of 2/6 or 10 days was imposed