Sheffield Evening Telegraph March 20, 1909
Four Goldthorpe colliers, named Joseph Hall, Arthur Neal, Richard Hall and Thomas Brown, alias Watson, appeared today at the Doncaster West Riding Police Court to answer summonses charging them with having used dogs take game at Marr, on Sunday, March 7.
Martin Cullen, gamekeeper for Mr Thelluson gave evidence to the effect that he saw the defendants on a moonlight night in the lane.
Altogether they were eight men there. They had a dog, the property of Neal. In an adjoining field was Brown, who had three greyhounds running loose after a hare. Subsequently the men went away together. The three greyhounds belong to Arthur Neal, one of the Halls and brown.
Corroborative evidence having been given, defendant, who were represented by Mr Andrews, denied the offence, saying that the dogs were always kept under control. The dogs, they alleged, were never out of the lane or out of the slips, and no attempt was made to search the land for game.
Joseph Hall, Neal and Brown had been previously convicted of game trespass, and were fined 40 shillings each, including costs. Richard Hall was fined 20 shillings inclusive.