South Yorkshire Times, October 20th, 1951
Yvonne Longdon and Joyce Schofield are an excellent combination as principal boy and girl and the comedy will be in the hands of Fred Walker and Sid. Robinson, assisted by John and Des. Jones, Betty Steed and Frank Love.
There will be three newcomers in the cast: Frank Love (Master of the Horse and Hounds), Maureen Mitchell (Fairy Queen) and Marjorie Jones (Wicked Fairy). All three show great promise. Fred Walker, Sid Robinson and the Jones’ brothers are well known to Goldthorpe pantomime audiences. Mr. Walker is also Assistant Producer.
The cast for The Sleeping Beauty will be Yvonne Longdon (Prince Rudolph), Joyce Schofield (Princess), Des. Jones (King), Betty Steed (Queen), Frank Love (Master of Hounds), Sid. Robinson (Goldilocks, the waiter), Fred Walker (Hyacinth the Cook) and John Jones (Physician).