Home Industry and Commerce Town Council New Reservoir to Serve Goldthorpe

New Reservoir to Serve Goldthorpe

May 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 22 May 1931

New Reservoir.

£9,000 Scheme for Jump

A step toward further improvement of the water undertaking in the Dearne Valley was taken on Tuesday, with the commencement of work on the construction of a new million gallon service reservoir at Roebuck Hill, Jump, for the Dearne Valley Water Board.

The reservoir will supersede an old one with a capacity of 87,000 gallons, this being the reservoir which burst and caused flooding last year. The reservoir will be charged with water from the Board’s pumping station at Broomhill, and also by water gravitating from Moonshine Dam and supplied by the Sheffield Corporation under agreement.

The scheme is to cost £9,100 and a grant of 50 per cent of the loan charges for fifteen years of the loan period is to be made by the Unemployment Grants Committee on the usual conditions. It was stated at a recent meeting of the Dearne Valley Water Board that a grant of 75 per cent had been anticipated and the water charges had been reduced accordingly.

At noon on Tuesday, Mr. N. Mell (Hoyland), chairman of the Dearne Valley Water Boar. formally set the work going by cutting the first sod. There was no speechmaking, and constructional work was commenced immediately. An inspection of the site and works was made by Mr. Mell, along with the engineer. Mr. Bernard Geen, Mr. C. H. Griffiths representing Abe contractors, (Messrs. William Lovett a Co., of Wolverhampton), and two members of the Board, Messrs. Joyce and Cooke. The new reservoir will be utilised for supplying water to the Wombwell district, and will also partially supply the districts of Goldthorpe, Bolton-on-Dearne, Darfield. Great Houghton, Little Houghton, and Billingley.