Home Crime Crime Other Goldthorpe Woman Fined £5 – Failed To Comply With N.S. Direction

Goldthorpe Woman Fined £5 – Failed To Comply With N.S. Direction

September 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 12 September 1942

Goldthorpe Woman Fined £5.

Failed To Comply With N.S. Direction

For failing to comply with a direction given by a National Service Officer, Freda Jessop (21), of Goldthorpe, was tined £5 at Doncaster West Riding Court on Tuesday.

Prosecuting, Kr. W. L. Crawford said Jessop registered for National Service and applied for exemption on the grounds of domestic hardship, but her application was refused. She was sent before a medical board, and it was found she was blind in one eye, and later a written direction was given her to take up work as a kitchen hand. She did not comply with this and was later given a direction to take up certain work, and again refused.

Mr. Crawford said Jessop had since volunteered for the Land Army.

Jessop said she volunteered for the Land Army three months ago.