Home Places Pubs, Clubs and Societies From Goldthorpe to Conisbrough – New Licensees at Lord Conyers

From Goldthorpe to Conisbrough – New Licensees at Lord Conyers

January 1951

South Yorkshire Times, January 13th 1951

From Goldthorpe to Conisbrough

Mr. G. W. Probert’s New Licence

New Licensees at Lord Conyers

Hotel, Conisbrough (Mr. and Mrs. F. Truelove moved out this week) are Mr. and Mrs. George W. Probert, of the Buxton Arms, Goldthorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Probert have held the licence of the Goldthorpe hotel for over 20 years and the Lord Conyers is only their second hotel.

Although Mr. and Mrs. Probert do not take over officially until Feburary 2nd, Mr. Probert has been in Conisbrough for just over a week while his wife is managing the Buxton Arms.

Mr. Probert is the 55-years-old elder son of Ald., and the late Mrs. George Probert, of Goldthorpe. Between leaving school and managing the Buxton Arms, he worked as a collier at Hickleton Main Colliery, and in the first war, joining up in 1915, served with the Coldstream Guards for three years in France.

Mrs. Probert was a Northampton girl, Miss Olive Owen, who was living in High Street. Mexborough, before her marriage in August 1919 at Mexborough Parish Church.

They have two children. One, Mr Joan Teasdale, of Goldthorpe Road, Goldthorpe, may eventually go to live at the Lord Conyers Hotel with her husband, also a miner.

The other, the third George Probert, is training for an executive post with a well-known firm of shoe manufacturers, He has a Cambridge B.A., in English, and also gained a law degree at the University. During the war he was a second; lieutenant in the R.N.V.R., and his wife was a lieutenant in the W.R,N.S.