Yorkshire Evening Post – Saturday 03 January 1948
50 p.c. Absent at Some Yorkshire Pits
Absenteeism in the pits to-day—last day the National Coal Board’s coal year—may mean that the target of 200,000,000 tons in the year is just missed.
In the North-Eastern Division, 103 pits were working, compared with 74 which normally work Saturdays. The Increase In the number of pits, however, was offset by big decrease in the numbers of miners who went to them.
Out of 142,000 miners in the division, there are usually between 80.000 and 90,000 work Saturdays. To-day, only about 60 per cent, the usual Saturday total were at work.
Three pite the division were unable to wind coal at all because of high absenteeism.
67 P.C. Average
Although an N.C.B. official that the position was “fairly good” Yorkshire—where appeal was made to the miners for 100 per cent, turn-up —reports from our correspondents Indicate that the response was disappointing
Average turn-up in the No. 2 Doncaster area 67 was per cent. —10 per cent, less than the normal Saturday morning turn-up.
The individual percentages of turnups at the 12 pits In the area were:
Askern 60, Bentley 70. Brodsworth 66, Bullcroft 60, Hatfield 60, 72.5, Highgate 60. Markham Main 90, Thome 76, Yorkshire Main 73. Goldthorpe (do not work Saturday morning), Rosslngton SO (one shaft winding).
In this area this week 123.926 tons of coal were raised up to last night, which is 47,673 tons down on the last comparable week —the record bull week.