Home Places Theatres “Dick Whittington”

“Dick Whittington”

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, December 1st, 1951

“Dick Whittington”

Advance bookings for Bolton-on-Dearne Theatrical Society’s  forthcoming pantomime, “Dick Whittington”, to be produced by Alfred H. Barnes at Goldthorpe Welfare Hall for the fortnight Dec. 31st to January 12th, indicate that the show will enjoy considerable financial success. In addition to local support, block bookings have been received from Lincoln, Stockport, Manchester and Hull. Rehearsals are going exceptionally well. and I hear that Emily Bradley (Dick Whittington) and Peggy Bisby (Alice Fitzwarren) are ideally suited.

A “Find”

The show will highlight the comedy and Mr. Barnes is confident that he has made a “find” in Sally Howard, (picture) a native of Goldthorpe, who is to play Jane Ann. She is a natural comedienne and although this will be her first stage appearance, M r. Barnes anticipates that her antics will “bring the house own.”

First class singing will also figure prominently in the t h e production, and a male quartet will consist of Alfred Barnes, Francis McGrevy, Harry Hollingsworth and Wilfred Malyan.

Spectacle will be provided by the ultra violet ray ballet, and a delightful “underneath the sea” scene. The show starts on New Year’s Eve with a gala performance, and after the performance there will be a celebration party.

Coun. T. H. Barker, J.P., chairman of Dearne Urban Council, is to be asked to propose the main toast.