Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 04 January 1941
Burglary During Black-Out
Darfield House Entered
George Mark Seaward (18), of Ham Street, Highgate, was charged at: Barnsley West Riding Court on Friday’ with stealing cash, cutlery, cigarettes.’ chocolates and six pairs of ladies’ stockings, worth together £5 10s., from John Henry Powell, commission agent, of Saltersbrook Road. Darfield.
Henry John Cox (24), miner, also of William Street. Highgate. was charged with receiving three dessert knives worth 6s.
Supt. H. P. Farley said Powell left his house secure at 2-30 pm. on December 14th, returning at 11-30 p.m, he found an entrance had been effected through a broken window and property missing.
Police-Sergeant Grantham and P.c. Earl visited Highgate, where they saw Seaward. He denied all knowledge of the affair, but later said that he and another man had broken into the house.
Mr. Varley added that these were recovered from a washbasin at Cox’s house. Seaward had told the police that the other man (not Cox) had taken most of the property. The offence was committed during black-out hours. Both men were committed to prison for three months.